Cosmic Chronicles 🌌

The Secrets of AI in Space Exploration 🤖 🌟

👋 Greetings, space explorers!

🚀 Join us on an intergalactic journey as we uncover how AI is helping us reach the stars. 🌟 From autonomous rovers to cosmic data crunching, artificial intelligence is making space exploration more exciting than ever.

Let's boldly go where no newsletter has gone before! 🌌

💡 Robo-Friends to the Rescue

HeyScience - Scientific research paper analysis

HeyScience is an AI-powered personal assistant for researchers that analyzes scientific papers and offers simplified summaries.

💡It helps users stay informed about peers' research and research trends in a specific domain.

🌱The "Scientist Spotlight" feature alerts researchers to the latest publications and helps track research concepts and ideas accurately.

Wisio - Scientific writing

Wisio is an AI-powered platform for scientific writing that offers personalized text suggestions, English correction, and quick access to scientific references.

💡It streamlines the writing process by providing scientifically sound suggestions and keyword extraction, along with easy citation searches on PubMed.

🌱A standout feature is its translation of non-English text into precise scientific English, making science more accessible globally and fostering collaboration among researchers.

🎧 AI Jams

Drake - Tokyo City Night (by Sturse)


Drake - Tokyo City Night (Original by Sturse) AI cover #drake #drakeai #aidrake #sturse #tokyocitynight #日本語ラップ #ヒップホップ #aicover

📹 Weekly Video Pick


This should be a movie. 🤯🤯 #aliens #robots #foryou #fyp

🗞️ AI Buzz

🚀 World Space Week 2023 explores AI's influence on astronomy and space exploration as the space age turns 66.

🌌 AI transforms astronomy by processing data, classifying celestial objects, and unraveling cosmic mysteries.

🔭 AI is crucial to managing vast observatory data, helping identify unexpected celestial phenomena.

Today’s Tip For Job Hunting 🕵🏻

Connect with former classmates or alumni from your school, as they may have valuable job leads and insights.

🥸 LOL - Memes Of The Week

🌠 Until next time, stargazers…

Keep your eyes on the skies and your inbox ready for the next thrilling edition of "Keeping up with AI." 🌠

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