Tantalizing Tech 🍽️🤖

Delicious Fusion of AI and Culinary Creations 🍔🤖

Welcome to our tantalizing newsletter edition 🍔🤖

Prepare to indulge in the fusion of AI, food & culture. From culinary innovations to tantalizing tastings, we're serving up a feast for your mind!

Let's get started 🍹🎉

💡 Robo-Friends to the Rescue

Rexipie - Recipes from text or video

AI-powered recipe generator for unique dishes based on preferences and YouTube videos.

💡User-friendly interface for inputting parameters or using existing recipes.

🌱Offers popular options like Korean Bulgogi Beef and Vegan Sausage Patties, with options for dietary needs, and regularly updated recipes.

MealByMeal - Calorie counting and meal tracking

AI-powered tool for effortless calorie counting and meal tracking via text messages, eliminating the need for a dedicated app.

💡Users can text the tool their meals and weight for logging, receiving accurate estimations of calories and macronutrients for various foods, with encouragement for specific input.

🌱It's backed by scientific research, supports premium tracking, and allows voice commands for meal logging.

🎧 AI Jams

Lana Del Rey - Skyfall (by Adele)

🗞️ AI Buzz

🍕 AI's application in the food and beverage sector is growing rapidly, with a projected market value of $29.94bn by 2028.

📈 Machine learning is optimizing processes across the food supply chain, from precision farming to customer product recommendations, enhancing efficiency and profitability.

🤖 Examples include Nutreco, Zeelandia Group, and Amalthea, all leveraging machine learning for improved operations and increased profitability.

In partnership with DoorDash

DoorDash is the ultimate solution for all your food delivery needs.

Whether you're craving a late-night snack, a quick lunch or a fancy dinner, DoorDash has you covered.

Today’s Tip For Job Hunting 🕵🏻

Take advantage of career counseling services offered by universities, community centers, or professional organizations.

🥸 LOL - Memes Of The Week

That's a wrap, foodies and tech enthusiasts 🍽️🚀

Thanks for joining us on this flavorful adventure through the world of AI in food.

Stay hungry for knowledge, and until next time, keep innovating!

Bon appétit 🍷✨

📤 If you enjoyed this, please share with anyone you think this could benefit, We’re hoping to grow an amazing community around learning AI!

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